
Gift Aid Data Capture and Digital Archiving for Samaritans

Samaritan’s Purse is a non-denominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes.

The Challenge

The challenge for Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child UK was to collate detailed information from over 300,000 donations received as part of the shoebox project.

Capturing over 150,000 written name and addresses of donors who required a report of the work of Operation Christmas Child
280,000 donations allowing the Samaritan’s Purse to a make a gift aid claim from the Inland Revenue needed to be collated and processed
The capture and collation project had to be completed within 8 weeks

The Solution

e-docs UK worked with Samaritans Purse to provide a cost effective solution that would:

Scan all donation slips and bank paying-in forms and capture donor name, address, postcode and donation value
Cross reference donation totals against the paying-in slips to ensure the integrity of the data.
Write the images and data to CDs providing Samaritan’s Purse with a long term archive and allowing more than £250,000 to be reclaimed in Tax.
Generate a 2nd data file containing details of all donors who had expressed an interest in receiving a report on the success of Operation Christmas Child which could be sent to the Samaritan’s Purse printers to be used as the report mailing list.

John Bree, UK Manager of Operation Christmas Child said: “It was essential for the project to be processed within the 2-month time scale to enable us to get full value from our printings in the form of mailing discounts. e-docs UK were able to provide the service required, including the scanning, processing and cross-referencing. They then produced the CD’s and mailing list file. With over One million pounds gift aid donations received it was vital for us to receive a full audit from amount banked to the retrieval of individual donations for tax purposes. e-docs UK were able to provide the full reporting and retrieval of this information, meeting The Inland Revenues requirements and generating over £250,000 of charitable gift aid.”