
Digital Archiving of Gift Aid Declarations for NSPCC

The NSPCC is the UK’s leading charity specialising in child protection and the prevention of cruelty to children. Employing 1,800 and with 180 child protection teams, the NSPCC operates 5 Divisions, 3 in England and one each in Wales and Northern Ireland. The operation is financed with funds raised by a national network of 200 Community Appeals branches and by central fund-raising departments.

The Challenge

Following an Inland Revenue Audit, The NSPCC realised that that their current off -site box storage solution for gift aid declarations was inadequate, inefficient and costly. They approached e-docs UK & several other companies to discuss a more efficient and cost effective solution

The Solution

e-docs UK proposed a solution that would see all the Gift Aid Declarations scanned, indexed and written to CD together with document management software to provide instant retrieval. This was all in line with the Inland Revenue requirement ’7.4.2 Means of Keeping Records’ thanks to e-docs UK’s BS EN ISO 9001:2000 certified quality management procedures.

e-docs UK collected, scanned and indexed around 265,000 Gift Aid Declarations within four weeks, and returned them on CD with the Alchemy Retrieval software preloaded. The search software and index files were then loaded onto the desktop computers within the Gift Aid department and on-site user training was provided.

Mrs Denise Putt, the Regular Giving and Gift Aid Supervisor at the NSPCC said: “From the time all the Gift Aid Declarations were collected to the return on CD it seemed to be a very quick and smooth process. Last year for the first time the Inland Revenue audited the Gift Aid Declarations using the CD’s which proved to be a very successful audit.” “If we did not have the documents scanned it would have meant going through lots of boxes which is very time consuming. In a busy Charity like the NSPCC, this would have been time we could ill afford to lose. I would certainly recommend e-docs UK.”

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